Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Forward Alabama – First Post

Forward Alabama is folks like you, your neighbors and your friends. We come from all walks of life. We  are accountants and carpenters, union members and small business owners, degreed professionals and  calloused-handed iron workers. Most of us are native born Alabamians and are products of her soil, her communities and her schools.

We share a desire for this wonderful state to be as good as she can be. To provide opportunity and equality for everyone here. We believe in truth and transparency in government. And we believe the old adage, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” Or as someone else said in a simpler way, “We all do better when we all do better!”

Economic opportunity should be available to everyone, and an effective, fair ‘safety net’ should be in place for everyone who needs it when forces beyond their control bring them down. Our taxes must be restructured to be fair, so that the wealthiest among us pay as large a percentage of their income as those of us who live paycheck to paycheck.

Our schools deserve adequate and reliable funding so our children can compete with children from any other state, or from any other nation, is this world that’s changing at break-neck speed. Out of state corporations can no longer be allowed to extract wealth from our state without paying a just and regionally comparable amount of property tax.  And the sales tax on food must be removed.

We believe the struggle for racial equality continues in our everyday lives, and that all citizens deserve equal access to the right to vote. We should strive to make it easier, not harder, to exercise that right. As citizens and members of society, we deserve the right to love anyone we choose, and to enjoy equal benefits and equal recognition of the unions we choose for ourselves.

To continue to deny access to decent healthcare for the improvised and the working poor is both wrong and fiscally foolish. We support Medicaid expansion and the Affordable Care Act.

Forward Alabama is state-wide grassroots collection of individuals of all ages, all races, and all professions, united in their passion to bring change to Alabama that is sensible and just. Our skills and accumulated knowledge are dedicated to bringing a message to Alabama we believe hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens long to hear. There’s a thirst for change in our state, and we’re working to bring that change forward. We hope you’ll join us.

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